"Restore-Diät": Werte für Cholesterin, Blutzucker und Entzündungen niedrig halten

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Abbildung aus dem Originalartikel: One-days’ worth of food consumed by a participant assigned to the 2000 kcal increment based on calculated caloric requirements. Photo depicts menu items from day 4 of the 4-day rotating menu of the restore diet (approximately 46 g dietary fiber): (A) sweet potato and black bean hash and (B) mandarin oranges (breakfast); (C) quinoa tabbouleh salad and (D) canned pears (lunch); (E) baked pork tenderloin, roasted Jerusalem artichokes and potatoes, and coleslaw (dinner); and (F) dried apricots and almonds (snack). Photo by: A.M.A.

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