Eine Portion geröstete Grillen gefällig?  [06.07.21]

Am Busbahnhof in Kampala (Uganda) und anderen afrikanischen Städten sind geröstete Heuschrecken ein willkommener Reise-Snack und nichts Aufsehenerregendes. Insektenproteine werden in Zeiten des Klimawandels und der Forderung nach nachhaltig produzierten und eiweißreichen Nahrungsmitteln auch in gemäßigten Klimaten zum Trend. Als alternative Proteinquelle zu Fisch und Fleisch stehen Insekten inzwischen auch im Fokus der Lebensmittelforschung. Eine kürzlich veröffentlichte Studie der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Lutz Fischer beschäftigt sich mit dem Geschmack und dem Aroma-Tuning von Insektenproteinen.

Bildausschnitt: https://www.dolomitenstadt.at/2013/01/11/senene-ein-knuspriger-heuschrecken-snack/

Original Article

Kora Kassandra Grossmann 1, Michael Merz 2, Daniel Appel 2, Maria Monteiro De Araujo 2, Lutz Fischer 1 (2021) New insights into the flavoring potential of cricket (Acheta domesticus) and mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) protein hydrolysates and their Maillard products. Food Chemistry, Volume 364, 1 December 2021, 130336doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.130336


  1. Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology, Department of Biotechnology and Enzyme Science, University of Hohenheim, Garbenstrasse 25, D-70599 Stuttgart, Germany
  2. Nestlé Product and Technology Centre Food, Lange Strasse 21, D-78224 Singen, Germany


•    Enzymatic hydrolysis of insect proteins develops savory and diverse taste profiles.
•    Insect proteins hydrolysates and Maillard products show different sensory profiles.
•    Identified odor-active molecules are also present in meat and seafood products.
•    Insect proteins have potential for savory flavoring.


Insect proteins have an earthy-like flavor and have not shown great flavor potential for food applications so far. In this study, insect proteins of cricket Acheta domesticus and mealworm Tenebrio molitor larvae were first enzymatically hydrolyzed using two peptidase preparations (Flavourzyme1000L and ProteaseA “Amano”2SD). Xylose was then added to facilitate Maillard reactions (30 min, T = 98 °C, 1% (w/v) xylose). A comprehensive sensory evaluation showed that both the hydrolysis and the Maillard reactions changed the flavor description of the samples significantly to more complex and savory-like taste profiles (27 descriptors for cricket and 39 descriptors for mealworm protein). In addition, 38 odor-active molecules were identified using gas chromatography–olfactometry (1 alcohol, 5 acids, 11 aldehydes, 5 ketones and 16 heterocyclic compounds). The results showed impressively that the flavoring potential of insect proteins was significantly enhanced with respective processing.


PI: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Lutz Fischer
Fg. Biotechnologie und Enzymwissenschaft
  • Funktionelle Lebensmittel (Relevante Ziel-Inhaltsstoffe)
  • Enzymtechnologie (Angewandte Biochemie)
  • Enzymproduktion (Bioreaktortechnik und Aufarbeitung)




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