Enviromics - key for habitat-tailored breeding? [28.09.2020]

One of the greatest challenges of modern agriculture is dealing with the limited prospects of significantly expanding farmed land. Tailoring highly adapted genetic material to the available environments becomes a key element to increase agricultural yields without the conversion of additional land and losses due to adverse environmental impact (Resende te al 2019). The authors...more

Biodegradation of pesticides and soil health: It is all about the concentration [25.09.2020]

Pesticide treatments are still the method of choice for the control of crop pathogens although their ecotoxicological effect is still not sufficiently elucidated. After application, a considerable part of the pesticides gets into the topsoil, which has important filter and cleaning functions and thus provides essential ecosystem services, e.g. groundwater and water...more

Award-winning research bridges from Stuttgart to the permafrost region of Siberia [17.09.2020]

The University of Hohenheim and their Russian partners have been awarded for its research initiative and cooperation with universities and research institutions in Yakutia.more

Tasty wine - what is the secret? [15.09.2020]

How to trigger a special taste and refine wine production? Microbiome researchers at the University of Hohenheim investigated the microbiological basics.more

Is taking risks a gender issue?

A reasonable risk tolerance is prerequisite for professional success and thus, also for financial and health prosperity. It is often claimed that men in general take more and greater risks as compared to women. This assumption is often used to explain gender-related pay differences. In an economic-psychological study, scientists from Hohenheim University take a closer look at...more

That's how it works - animal welfare, a healthy environment and economic efficiency in harmony [07.09.2020]

University of Hohenheim & HfWU Nürtingen develop practical recommendations for pig stables of the futuremore

Does climate change pose a threat to native hibernators?

It is generally known that climate change will have profound implications for the survival and behavior of many species. Although a significant proportion of mammals hibernate, there is limited knowledge on how climate change might affect hibernating species. In a new study, researchers at the University of Hohenheim are investigating how fluctuations in ambient temperature...more

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