DNA Hydroxymethylation Levels Are Altered in Blood Cells From Down Syndrome (DS) Persons Enrolled in the MARK-AGE Project. [29.05.2018]

A new study involving Nicole Breusing from the Institute of Clinical Nutrition shows decrease in 5-hydroxymethylcytosine, TET1, and other components of the DNA methylation/demethylation machinery in DS subjects, indicating that aberrant DNA methylation patterns and related transcriptional changes may be due to a global disturbance of methylation control in Down Syndrome....more

Centenarian offspring has a tighter control of Zn homeostasis which is likely to provide them constant protection against stress stimuli over the whole lifespan [29.05.2018]

The relevance of MT in the aging process has been documented both in animal models and humans as these proteins are responsive to anti-aging interventions including caloric restriction (CR) and inhibition of the insulin/insulin-like signaling (IIS) pathway (MARK-AGE Consortium, 2018)more

Associating genetic loci to human complex traits [28.05.2018]

Newly appointed Professor Claussnitzer is part of a concerted initiative using genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to elucidate disease phenotypes in humans.more

Hohenheim's research for healthy dairy products [22.05.2018]

The department of Animal Foodstuff Technology with its allocated Dairy for Research and Training is part of the Institute for Food Technology at the University of Hohenheim. Our main emphasis lies on the examination of process related reactions and changes of milk and milk products during storage. The processing of food is to be studied in the complete depth of its single...more

Phytol and Phytyl Fatty Acid Esters: Occurrence, Concentrations, and Health Relevance [21.05.2018]

In contrast to chlorophyll, phytyl fatty acid esters (PFAE) are found to be a potential source for bioavailable trans‐phytol. Free trans‐phytol is known as a precursor for phytanic acid which cannot be metabolized by patients with Refsum's disease. Hence, edible plant parts with elevated PFAE levels add to the daily tolerable intake of phytanic acid for these patients. This...more

Antioxidants, inflammation and frailty [17.05.2018]

Frailty among elderly people leads to an increased risk for negative health outcomes. The results of study published by an international consortium came up with the following key messages: (1) Women are more frequently psychologically frail, while men are more frequently cognitively frail. (2) The prevalence of both physical and cognitive frailty increased with age, whereas...more

Photooxygenated OTNE might be a contact allergen [02.05.2018]

Prof. Wolfgang Schwack and Swiss colleagues have studied the allergenic potential of octahydro-tetramethyl-naphthalenylethanones (OTNE) in perfumes and aftershavesmore

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