Virtual Reality: Therapy Option and New Quality of Life for the Sick and Elderly [21.02.2018]

The UHOH start-up ANDERS VR develops and produces tailor-made visualizations for virtual reality applications. Their goal is a self-learning App that adapts to its individual user. Their products could help to balance mental stress in patients, reduce medication in hospitals and nursing homes, and may even help to activate patients both physically and mentally. The Federal...more

Prevalence of food insecurity among food bank users in Germany and its association with population characteristics [19.02.2018]

Food insecurity (FI) is described as the “limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways (Anderson, 1990). The aim of the cross-sectional study performed by Stroebele-Benschop and colleagues was to examine FI prevalence among a large sample of food bank users,...more

Motivation and background of participants and providers of self-harvest gardens in Germany [16.02.2018]

Self-harvest gardening in Germany seems to fit the social norms and lifestyles of many dwellers of urban areas in Germany. Researchers from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences found that self harvest gardening is not predominantly used to produce cheap food or counterbalance work life, but mainly to get in touch with regional, sustainable and healthy food production. more

Health questionnaires as a screening tool for depression in pregnant women need adjustments dependent on cultural setting [15.02.2018]

Semantic, technical, content, criterion and conceptual equivalence must be examined in order to validate a psychological rating scale in a new cultural setting. (Woldetensay et al. 2018)more

The effect of floods on anemia among reproductive age women in Afghanistan. [14.02.2018]

Floods influence anemia via several channels but particularly by reducing the intake of such vital nutrients as iron, zinc and, vitamins through the destruction of crops and livestock. They also have a well-documented effect on water borne diseases—including gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases, skin infections, and leptospirosis —which can also result in anemia. Lastly,...more

Interdisciplinary research team from Hohenheim investigates the potential of yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) as a novel source of health promoting compounds [12.02.2018]

Phenolic compounds are secondary metabolites of plants and an important group of bioactive constitutes of fruits and vegetables due to their antioxidant activity and health enhancing effects. Yacon tubers have gained attention due to their potential not only as a part of a diet for those who are suffering from digestive disorders such as diabetes and obesity, but also as a...more

Specific micronutrient patterns are markers but not predictors of frailty in older adults [29.01.2018]

Wolfgang Stütz is part of an international consortium that investigated the cross-sectional and prospective associations between patterns of serum fat-soluble micronutrients and frailty in four European cohorts of older adults 65 years of age and oldermore

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