Edible Insects: Students remain sceptical

Insects are an excellent source of protein and their production - unlike meat and dairy products - is particularly climate-friendly. However, whether the ecological meat alternative will have a future above all depends on consumer acceptance. During the "Science Year 2020 - Bioeconomy", students from the University of Hohenheim took a closer look at the acceptance of insect...more

Public letter to the Ministry of Science, Research and Art on the research programme “Genome Editing in Agriculture” [29.07.2020]

Prof. Karl Schmid (F. W. Schnell Endowed Chair in Crop Plant Biodiversity and Breeding Informatics, Institute of Plant Breedings) and colleagues from eight research institutions in Baden-Wuerttemberg make a case for evaluating the potential and risks of Genome Editing in an open and unbiased way. Their plea is for an evidence-based decision making that counteracts diffuse...more

New ESPEN Guidelines: How to prevent malnutrition in COVID-19 patients

The current COVID-19 pandemic is putting healthcare systems worldwide to the test and continues to claim countless lives. Especially elderly and immuno-compromised patients can fall seriously ill and eventually die due to the respiratory infection. People of these high-risk groups are also particularly susceptible to malnutrition, which in turn can worsen the prospects of...more

Antibiotics in livestock farming: Searching for alternatives

For years, the use of antibiotics in livestock farming has been subject to critical discussion. On one hand, bacterial infections in livestock farms must be controlled. On the other hand, this promotes the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which has serious consequences for both humans and animals. Thus, the need for antibacterial alternatives replacing conventional...more

How maize litter can improve soil quality and health [29.06.2020]

Amendment of soils with plant residues is common practice to improve soil quality, to stimulate soil life and microbial activity, as well as to enhance the degradation of chemical pollutants in the soil. A team of scientists from the Universities in Stuttgart-Hohenheim, in Berlin and from the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research in Leipzig report the results of a...more

The dilemma of calves from organic farming [28.06.2020]

The expansion of organic milk production leads to more and more calves on farms producing according to organic and ecological standards, which ultimately have to be marketed. Especially, male calves not required for milk production are sold to conventional farms fattening animals for meat production. This is an unsatisfactory solution for farmers and consumers. Together with...more

Curcumin and its anticancerogenic effects: Bioavailability might be key

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and claims many lives every year. The formation of colorectal tumors is complex, but it is understood that inflammatory processes play a major role. Curcumin, a compound of the spice turmeric, in several studies has already proven to be a promising active ingredient against inflammatory diseases and tumor...more

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