Yummie .... Michael Granvogl investigates promising brewing technology

Beer is known to be Germany's favorite beverage. But what about the non-alcoholic version? Even though the sale rates for non-alcoholic beer are increasing worldwide, beer lovers in Germany often dismiss it for its taste. The difference in taste is a result of the dealcoholization process. In thermal dealcoholization, alcohol is evaporated by heat, which also causes important...more

Happy? How the Corona Pandemic affects our life satisfaction

The Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdown measures affect countless areas of public and private life. Economic costs and financial damage are often mentioned. But how do these affect psychological well-being? And which groups of people bear the psychological costs of the Corona pandemic most severely? Economists at the University of Hohenheim, in collaboration with the...more

All veggie, fresh and healthy? [19.08.2020]

Microorganisms are ubiquitous and rule our world. They can cause diseases, but mostly are beneficial for us and the environment. A variety of bacterial communities can also be found on fresh fruits and vegetables; in exceptional cases even pathogenic germs (HPK) such as E. coli and Salmonella enterica. Hohenheim researchers take part in the BMEL-funded project "PLANTINFECT"....more

Downy mildew sighted in Germany: Are we facing another pandemic endangering gardens?

Aquilegia, also known as granny's bonnet or columbine, is a popular ornamental plant with colourful flowers that is often found in gardens and parks. However, the sumptuous flowerage could soon become a rare sight. The plant pest Peronospora aquilegiicola, a type of downy mildew, infects Aquilegia and is currently on the rise. The East Asian fungus has already spread...more

Senior citizens online: A question of education only?

All age groups can benefit from the advantages of the world wide web. During times of a pandemic, senior citizens in particular can benefit greatly from online services, e.g. online shopping, communication with friends and family members, or entertainment. Although access to the digital world is ubiquitous, the older generation often lacks the digital skills to enjoy online...more

Corona crisis at the workplace: leadership is more important than ever

The COVID-19 pandemic has driven our global economy into an unprecedented crisis. Numerous industries, including the service industries, have been affected. Personnel cutbacks and restructuring of the workplace are putting employees in the service industry to a massive test. Due to restrictions, numerous employees have to work from home in order to keep services running. In...more

Tracking breast cancer [11.08.2020]

It all starts with an educated guess. What follows then, is a lot of hard work including numerous failures and dead ends, but in the end – perhaps – a scientific breakthrough, new uncharted territory promising novel insights and knowledge. Sometimes and luckily, a random discovery comes to the aid of researchers and guide them on the right track. Undergraduate students at...more

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