Microbiome Research- Opportunities and Limits [24.04.2019]

The microbiome plays a decisive role in our health. Animal and plant health also has been associated with their corresponding microbiome. The fields of application of this young field of research are manifold and there is great hope for future opportunities. However, microbiome research currently has to overcome some methodological challenges in order to process correlative...more

The gravity dependence of pharmacodynamics [09.04.2019]

Long-lasting manned space missions beyond Earth's orbit, e.g., to Mars are already planned by space agencies and private corporations.1 Then humans will have to live in closed environments under space conditions including microgravity for long periods without immediate access to medical or pharmacological support from Earth. To minimize the risk for astronauts, the effects of...more

Petra Kluger to strengthen applied nutrition research [11.03.2019]

At the University of Hohenheim the Professor of Reutlingen University will cooperate especially with the Department of Nutrition Science (Prof. Dr. Melina Claussnitzer). more

Insect-based food to combat malnutrition? [26.02.2019]

Edible insects are high in protein content and protein recovery, has the complete set of essential amino acids, are either a source of or high in calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc, and are safe from arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury. This reinforces the fact that edible insects can contribute to people's nutrient requirements and should be sustainably utilized. Aside from...more

Healthy veggies despite "norm failure" [19.02.2019]

Crooked vegetables? At Hohenheim University we sell it in a bag! Now, the initiative "Soil Resources" has been nominated for a federal award. more

Research priorities in the food and health sector [21.01.2019]

Important risk factors for our health and well-being are food or diet related. Research increasingly reflects this causality.more

Mikroalgen als Food und Feed im Fokus der Wissenschaft. [10.01.2019]

An der UHOH arbeiten interdisziplinäre Forscherteams an verschiedenen Aspekten. Hier wird einer vorgestellt: more

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