Hohenheim Research and its Impact

Factors Influencing the Caesarean Section Rates in German Hospitals in the Years 2015-2017 [18.10.2021]

A joint study by the University of Hohenheim and Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences concludes that the number of caesarean sections is influenced by the regional level of education rather than population density.more

'We would rather die from Covid-19 than from hunger’ - Exploring lockdown stringencies in five African countries [26.09.2021]

Many people in the poorest countries of the world are facing a hard and difficult decision: they risk dying of COVID-19 by going to work, or they risk dying of hunger by staying at home.more

Better knowledge for the prevention of food intolerances and effective intervention concepts [15.07.2021]

"It is frightening that about a third of the European population complains now about food intolerances, although it is often unclear what are the reasons behind," explains Prof. Stephan Bischoff from the Institute of Nutritional Medicine at the University of Hohenheim. Together with three other Hohenheim scientists and colleagues from Lübeck and Borstel, this problem is going...more

How about a tray of roasted crickets? [06.07.2021]

At the bus station in Kampala (Uganda) and other African cities, this is a common travel snack and nothing to write home about. In times of climate change and rising demand for sustainably produced and protein-rich foods, insect proteins are becoming a trend even in temperate climates. As an alternative to fish and meat proteins, insects capture also the attention of food...more

Using Google data to measure the role of Big Food and fast food in South Africa’s obesity epidemic [06.06.2021]

The change in eating habits and decline of physical activity is reflected in increasing numbers of overweight people worldwide. The few studies on the impact of changing dietary environments on obesity in low-and middle-income countries provide 'mixed' results with regard to links between food retailers, nutrition and health. Using a new methodology, Stefan Otterbach and Hamid...more

Corona pandemic increases inequality in the world - Hohenheim guest researcher and colleagues develop COVID index for policy advice [24.05.2021]

The pandemic of COVID-19 brought additional challenges to low and middle income countries, as hospital structures, expensive medical equipment, protectives and sufficient vaccines are not readily available. The aim of a recent study was to create a new indicator, the so-called COVID index, to analyze the responsiveness of hospital structures to the coronavirus pandemic in...more

Health as a key resource: How health systems need to be transformed for the future [20.05.2021]

Today and especially in times of pandemics, health is important as never has been before. Healthcare has long been an important cornerstone in national and global strategies, but not only in economic terms. Innovative health care is an indispensable component of modern public services locally and regionally. In addition to public health care, a novel second health market is...more

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