Mikroalgen als Food und Feed im Fokus der Wissenschaft.   [10.01.19]

An der UHOH arbeiten interdisziplinäre Forscherteams an verschiedenen Aspekten. Hier wird einer vorgestellt:

Wild, Katharina Judith; Trautmann, Andreas; Katzenmeyer, Mirco; Steingaß, Herbert; Posten, Clemens; Rodehutscord, Markus (2019): Chemical composition and nutritional characteristics for ruminants of the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris obtained using different cultivation conditions. In: Algal Research 38, S. 101385. DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2018.101385.


Author information

  • Institute of Animal Science, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Institute of Bioprocess Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany



The objective of the present study was to investigate the nutritional value of microalgae for ruminants. Chlorella vulgaris was cultivated on a laboratory scale under nitrogen depleted, CO2 depleted, or saturated conditions. Furthermore, an outdoor cultivation under saturated conditions was carried out to demonstrate the transferability of the results to a pilot scale. In vitro methods were used to determine characteristics of the nutritional value (e.g., gas production, digestibility, and related energy and protein characteristics) of C. vulgaris and were complemented by a comprehensive analysis of the nutrient composition (e.g., proximate nutrients, amino acids, and fatty acid composition). Nutrient composition of C. vulgaris was affected by cultivation conditions in terms of proximate composition and fatty acid composition, wherein CO2 deficiency had the most pronounced effects. Characteristics of the nutritional value were also significantly affected. Changes in ruminal fermentation characteristics (gas production) were rather small and nitrogen and CO2 deficiency had adverse effects on the protein value of microalgae for ruminants. Laboratory and outdoor cultivation yielded similar results, so that transferability of laboratory results to a pilot scale appears feasible. Nevertheless, it will be necessary to investigate further cultivation strategies that not only achieve a high productivity, but also have a positive impact on nutrient utilization by the animal and hence on the nutritional value of microalgae. © 2018 Elsevier B.V.

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