Opportunities for Africa: Researchers make cassava healthier, more nutritious and sustainable  [09.10.18]

In the tropics and subtropics, manioc, also called cassava, is an important staple food.

Manioc plants in the greenhouse of the University of Hohenheim. | Image: University of Hohenheim / Ziba Barati

Taken from: Trends der Zukunft (03.10.2018)

In poorer regions, especially in Africa, there is rarely anything to it. It comes to malnutrition, because the root tuber essentially contains starch. The leaves and stems, on the other hand, are a veritable treasure trove for nutritionists. They contain high-quality proteins, essential amino acids and vitamins, which can be harnessed for nutrition in a variety of ways, according to researchers at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart. Instead, they rot in the fields.<o:p></o:p>

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