Animal Health & Protection: Public Consultation  [24.03.20]

Livestock farming increasingly is confronted with negative headlines. Cheap meat and dairy products have their price, but ultimately the animals pay for it. Most farmers, but also more and more consumers and scientists do not accept this situation and raise their voices. At the University of Hohenheim, scientists conduct research on many aspects of animal welfare and sustainable livestock farming.

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More informationen and a list of Hohenheim experts you'll find here.

The European Union is committed to the protection and welfare of farm animals, and for this, has launched a public consultation process for corresponding strategic guidelines.

Animal Welfare: launch of the public consultation on the EU Strategy

The European Commission published a 12 weeks open consultation on the EU Strategy for Protection and Welfare of Animals. This public consultation, available into all EU languages, is part of a one-year external study supporting the evaluation of the EU Strategy. Launched in 2019, this evaluation aims to assess if the EU Strategy delivered its initial objectives and whether they are still relevant today. The results of the evaluation will inform future EU initiatives on animal welfare as well as actions under the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy. Citizens, experts and stakeholders are invited to give their feedback before 15 June 2020.

For more information:

·       View the open consultation

·       View the Commission's website

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