How maize litter can improve soil quality and health  [29.06.20]

Amendment of soils with plant residues is common practice to improve soil quality, to stimulate soil life and microbial activity, as well as to enhance the degradation of chemical pollutants in the soil. A team of scientists from the Universities in Stuttgart-Hohenheim, in Berlin and from the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research in Leipzig report the results of a current study with maize litter and its effects on soil quality and health.

Picture Credit and Copyrights: University of Hohenheim



Original Paper

Karolina M. Nowakab, Anja Miltnerb, Christian Pollc, Ellen Kandelerc, Thilo Streckd, Holger Pageld (2020) Plant litter enhances degradation of the herbicide MCPA and increases formation of biogenic non-extractable residues in soil. Environment International, Volume 142,


a - Technische Universität Berlin, Institute of Biotechnology, Chair of Geobiotechnology, Ackerstraße 76, 13355 Berlin,

b - Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Department of Environmental Biotechnology, Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig,

c - University of Hohenheim, Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Department of Soil Biology, Emil-Wolff-Str. 27, 70599 Stuttgart,

d - University of Hohenheim, Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Department of Biogeophysics, Emil-Wolff-Str. 27, 70599 Stuttgart

  • Maize litter addition stimulated microbial activity and turnover of MCPA.
  • Litter altered the soil microbiome and MCPA degraders.
  • Mainly fungi and Gram-negative bacteria involved in MCPA degradation.
  • Litter promoted the formation of biogenic non-extractable residues (bioNERs).
  • Most bioNERs were found at the 2–5 mm of litter-amended treatment.
More information on the Hohenheim Departments involved in this study:

Department of Soil Biology: Prof. Dr. Ellen Kandeler

Department of Biogeophysics: Prof. Dr. Thilo Streck; Dr. sc. agr. Holger Pagel

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