Kinetics of High Pressure Inactivation of Bacteriophages

Publication Type
Müller-Merbach, M.; Hinrichs, J. (Vortragender)
Year of publication
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Conference name
Joint 20th AIRAPT - 43rd EHPRG Conference on Science and Technology of High Pressure
Conference location
Conference date

Bacterial fermentations in the fields of dairy technology and biotechnology require aseptic conditions to achieve the highest process safety. To ensure a high hygienic standard of the nutrient medium we have the options of heat treatment, microfiltration and high pressure treatment. Heat treatment is effective in terms of sterilization but valuable nutrients such as vitamins and functional substances may be destructed. Microfiltration is efficient in maintining the nutrients and removing microorganisms but bacteriophages can pass, which put the fermentation at risk. High pressure is known to inactivate pathogens while vitamins and enzymes mostly persist, but can bacteriophages be inactivated by high pressure? The kinetics of the high pressure inactionvation of bacteriophages were to investigate in this study.

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