Wheat Sensitivity – Hype or Challenge? [07.01.2019]

Researchers at the University of Hohenheim study various aspects of food intolerances. In the current issue of the journal "Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin" (Current Nutritional Medicine" they share new insights and their viewpoint on wheat allergies and related issues.more

High-resolution genome-wide functional dissection of transcriptional regulatory regions and nucleotides in human [31.12.2018]

In this Nature Communication, Prof. Claussnitzer (Chair Dept. Nutritional Science at the University of Hohenheim) and colleages from the US present 'High-resolution Dissection of Regulatory Activity' (HiDRA), a high-throughput experimental assay for testing transcriptional regulatory activity across millions of DNA fragments, and for inferring high-resolution driver elements...more

Do we need more drought for better nutrition? [27.12.2018]

A Hohenheim research team together with a colleage from Giessen assessed the relationship between environmental factors, plant physiology and nutrional value of crops. more

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