FZG Head Office: Service4Science

Screening national, EU and international funding newsletters
& websites
Fit & suitability check for UHOH
Compilation of key points and framing conditions for Hohenheim scientists
Targeted distribution, reminder before deadlines
Publication on FZG website/ funding news
Finding suitable funding programs for project ideas
Background check and research on topics and framing conditions, e.g., already funded projects, stakeholders, etc.
Advice concerning Calls and corresponding details
Provision of additional information and guiding material for current funding initiatives (Links to webinars, PPT's, PT information)



Cross-check of project idea and proposal for fit to Call text

Application for seed funding (e.g. UHOH internal sources, DFG international events, preparatory actions, etc.)

  • Organization preparatory meetings of the consortium
  • Organization Symposia or preparatory workshops
  • Fact Finding Missions to potential partners
  • Administration and reporting for seed funds
Coordination with partners and stakeholders
Coordination with UHOH administration, e.g. AF (non-disclosure agreements, cost calculations and alike), the International Office (AAA, cooperation agreements etc.)
Coordination with funders or Project Management Agencies (PT)
Contributions to proposal chapters, text modules
Project coordination (if part of the proposal and funded)
Dissemination (if part of the proposal and funded)
Organization of project events (if part of the proposal and funded)
Advice and support for follow-up activities and funding options
Posters, Programm & Abstract Book & Conference Paper for events organized by the FZG Head Office
Check websites in advance of applications, whether funders and evaluation panels find the right information >>> advice for applicants and link/ backup on FZG websites
Presentation of projects, FZG, and Hohenheim portfolio at events (on demand)
Research marketing at the annual Open University Day (Tag der offenen Tür)

Overview Research Support Structures at the University of Hohenheim