World Rare Disease Day, 28.02.2020 [28.02.2020]

On 28 February, the European Commission marked World Rare Disease Day by highlighting the call for closer collaboration to improve research, diagnosis and treatment of such diseases. Commissioner Stella Kyriakides said: “Tackling rare diseases and reducing the inequalities in treatment across the EU is a key personal priority for me. Earlier this month, I launched an EU wide...more

Aging healthy - how to facilitate outdoor independence among the elderly [19.02.2020]

Using an ecological approach, this study suggests that the immediate environment is an essential attribute to understand older adults’ outdoor independence. Based on a dataset of more than 1000 individuals, the authors from the Institute for Health Care and Public Management come up with interesting insights and corrsponding policy advice.more

Social media and search engines: much better than their reputation [13.02.2020]

A recent PNAS paper by researchers from the Universities in Stuttgart-Hohenheim and Mainz reveals that the use of search engines and social networks goes hand in hand with a higher frequency and greater variety of news sites visited. As such, the underlying study contradicts the current opinion and has great political and societal impact. more

Automation and Inequality [23.01.2020]

Machine workforce is on the rise and the great wave of automation will influence all of us. Technical foundations for a comprehensive change in working environments are laid and breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and robotics will cause the replacement of human workforce in many areas, as can be witnessed already today when exchanging with chatbots. This development is...more

On the verge of a new medical age [11.01.2020]

Effective prevention, novel therapeutic approaches, systematic research into rare and complex diseases: the decoding of the human genome in 2001 was followed by an explosion of knowledge that continues to gain momentum. The coming years will witness how knowledge about the (epi-)genetic causes of human diseases enters clinics and medical practices. Celebrating NATURE's 150th...more

Regulation of working hours and mental health [28.11.2019]

Excessively long working hours are detrimental to mental health. In this context, a team from Hohenheim with British and Australian research partners investigated the effects of governmental regulations for working hours: The German model on the one hand, in which working hours are subject to state regulation, and the Australian system on the other, in which working hours are...more

Impact of Na+ -translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (NQR) on iron uptake and nqrM expression in Vibrio cholerae [23.11.2019]

For bacteria, iron is an essential nutrient that helps to maintain vital functions of a variety of enzymes, such as ribonucleotide reductase (synthesis of DNA precursors) or proteins in the respiratory chain. Hohenheim scientists examined the iron metabolism of the Cholera pathogen (Vibrio cholerae) and could show how this pathogen survives in unfavorable, iron-limited...more

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