The fox tapeworm: An overrated danger or cause for concern?

Especially in summer many people worry about the potential dangers of the fox-tapeworm (Echinococcus multilocularis) when gardening, snacking on wild berries or mushrooms. Many activities in nature can potentially transmit fox tapeworm eggs and lead to disease. In an interview with 'Stuttgarter Nachrichten', parasitologist Dr. Thomas Romig from Hohenheim University talks about...more

The Cuban Model: Reducing health inequalities through universal healthcare?

Socioeconomic position is closely linked to health. Studies confirm again and again: Those who have a respected profession, a higher income and a greater level of education are on average healthier and live longer. With one exception: the socialist state of Cuba. In a new study with participation from the University of Hohenheim, the correlation between socioeconomic status...more

Does smartphone use affects our well-being?

Most of us know the at times overwhelming feeling that comes with countless unread emails, new messages and social media interactions piling up. Many studies warn about the consequences of constant digital connectedness. Excessive online interactions could permanently impair mental health and general well-being. A new study involving the University of Hohenheim is dealing with...more

Getting COVID-19 under control: countermeasures strongly influence the intensity of a potential second wave [16.06.2020]

A second computer simulation developed by Philipp Kügler's group at the University of Hohenheim compares different spreading scenarios of the Covid-19 infection in the state of Baden-Württemberg.more

Robustness in dairy cattle: Mitochondria could be the key

Not all cows are the same. They show individual reactions to physical stress such as births, milk production or infections. The reasons for such individual differences are being investigated by the research groups of Prof. Korinna Huber and Prof. Jana Seifert in a DFG-funded cooperative project. They suspect that the key might lie in the cells' power stations, the so-called...more

Vitamin E deficiency – a potential threat to pets

Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that must be supplied through food. It is primarily found in vegetable oils and prevents for instance the formation of free radicals. Although vitamin E deficiency has been rarely reported for healthy humans, pets can suffer from severe deficiency symptoms due to inappropriate feeding. Especially in cats, various diseases have been...more

Obesity therapy - Making it work [27.05.2020]

Obesity is defined as the pathological increase in body fat and is a significant risk factor for a large number of chronic diseases. It restrains the health and quality of life of almost one in four Germans. Prof. Stefan Bischoff and Anna Schweinlin from the Institute of Nutritional Medicine at the University of Hohenheim explain how obesity therapy can be successful. In...more

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