Is there a link between Vitamin D deficiency and the severity of Covid-19 progression?

Most of the Vitamin D we need is produced by our body when triggered by sunlight. But what happens if we leave the house less often due to Corona restrictions or working conditions and hardly see sunlight for weeks? Vitamin D deficiency could be the result and this in turn may have a significant impact for the ones infected with Covid-19. Some studies indicate a link between...more

Deeper Learning: Putting fascination first

Teaching concepts such as the stubborn memorization of facts and figures usually have little practical relevance and rarely lead to long-term knowledge gain. Thanks to evidence-based pedagogy, these outdated teaching methods are replaced by modern pedagogical concepts. One of them, the so-called "Deeper Learning" approach, generates applicable knowledge and a fascination about...more

Time for change: Hohenheim promotes innovation during the Covid-Crisis

This is the aim of the “Innov8 Now!“ initiative at the University of Hohenheim. Professors Ebersberger and Pyka created an open source eight-day crash course, that inspires creativity and turns Corona-related free time into productive ideas.more

What is the relationship between allergy and cancer [23.06.2020]

Worldwide, allergies and cancers cause significant amount of morbidity and mortality. An inverse association between allergies and cancers has been suggested; however, despite extensive research, the relationship remains elusive. On one side, allergies are accompanied by inflammatory reactions which constitute an optimal environment for carcinogenesis; thus promoting the...more

June 20 - World Refugee Day [20.06.2020]

The dramatic increase in migration worldwide underlines the need for cross-border solutions and more effective political dialogue. Especially, the countries closest to North Africa and the Middle East have to cope with large flows of migrants. This population influx can pose significant health challenges, particularly in times of pandemics.more

Life with Corona [19.06.2020]

.... captures the voices and moods of people around the world who are exposed to the major upheaval brought by the coronavirus crisis. By collecting data, the international team of researchers (including Hohenheim's Professor Christine Wieck) and volunteers, will provide insight into how normal people, worldwide, are experiencing the crisis and how the crisis is affecting...more

Immune response to viruses: how does our body detect pathogens? [18.06.2020]

Severe inflammatory reactions are often observed in diseases caused by the Coronavirus. In order to develop new therapeutics to control such life-threatening immune responses, it is necessary to better understand the molecular mechanisms of how certain proteins contribute to immune responses against bacteria and viruses.more

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