Prof Korinna Huber and Prof Markus Rodehutscord Present New Insights into the Phytate Turnover and its Role in Precision Nutrition [10.11.2016]

The opening of the 3rd International Phytate Summit (IPS3) on November 09 in Florida, USA, saw nutrition experts from around the world discussing the latest research on phytate and its multi-factorial impact on animal production and health.more

Prof. Dr. Reinhold Carle and Dr. Ralf Schweiggert win prize for their solution to counteract inflammation of the gums [10.11.2016]

A joint team from the Universities in Hohenheim and Würzburg came up with "a simple, effective and cost-effective way to complement established therapies for controlling gingival inflammation"more

AOK Study: Prof. Dr. Markus Voeth and colleagues from the Universities of Potsdam and Hohenheim surveyed the stress level of German students [31.10.2016]

Freedom, party and semester abroad: Most people consider their years studying at an University to be the best period of their life. However, a large survey at German Universities shows that nowadays students are far more stressed than an average employee. What are the reasons behind it?more

6-country EU study tracks carotenoid levels by age [31.10.2016]

A six-county, EU-funded study has offered new insights into the impact age has on plasma levels of lycopene, alpha-tocopherol and alpha-carotene.more

Meat from Diseased Animals [27.09.2016]

A book enlivens a political debate concerning the animal husbandry again. And summarizes how animals get ill on the husbandry system.more

German study finds shortcomings in insulin testing in horses

Insulin test results in horses from commonly used laboratory tests should be interpreted carefully, according to German researchers, who found significant variations using three tests on the same blood samples. more

Hohenheim geneticists paving new ways in the fight against cancer [19.08.2016]

Together with their US colleagues at U Cincinatti, Dr. Dieter Maier and Dr. Heiko Praxenthaler deciphered the structure and mode of operation of a central protein in the Notch signaling pathway using Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism.more

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