Mindful Instant Messaging

Mindfulness and Autonomous Motivation as Predictors of Well-Being in Smartphone Communicationmore

Jigsaw Puzzles As Cognitive Enrichment (PACE) [25.09.2017]

The effect of solving jigsaw puzzles on global visuospatial cognition in adults 50 years of age and older: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trialmore

Energy Balance over One Athletic Season [22.09.2017]

Nutritionist Anja Bosy Westphal co-publishes in the Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise more

What is the Role of Metalloprotease MT4-MMP in Melanoma? [06.09.2017]

Membrane-type matrix metalloproteinases (MT-MMPs) are expressed on the cell surface and hydrolyze extracellular matrix components and signaling molecules by which they influence cancer cell migration and metastasis. more

Hohenheim Scientists reviews the management of fusarium species and their mycotoxins in cereal food and feed [04.09.2017]

Contamination of food and feed with mycotoxins is a worldwide problem. Although acute mycotoxicosis caused by high doses is rare in humans and animals, ingestion of even low amounts can impair intestinal health, immune function and/or the severety of pathogenic infection. more

Gravity and neuronal adaptation [01.09.2017]

Using in vivo und in vitro data, Dr. Florian P.M. Kohn from the Department of Membrane Physiology together with a colleague from the Institute of Sport and Sport Science of the University of Freiburg postulates a model, how neuronal cells adapt to gravitational changes.more

Prof Peter Weber participates in European Consortium that studies drug - nutrition interactions [21.08.2017]

Since food, pharma and health are closely interconnected, awareness and individual strategies are needed to recognize and influence the potential effects of drug-nutrition interactionsmore

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