Start enjoying! [07.05.2020]

Attention is important. People need attention to be happy and healthy...more

Do Honeybees have digestive issues?

Bees are strict vegetarians. While their main feed source is nectar and other plant juices, bees depend also on pollen for their protein supply. If climatic conditions or a lack of biodiversity prevent bees from collecting enough nectar, bees occasionally have to switch to other sources of nutrients. So-called honeydew serves as alternative food source in crisis situations....more

Mediterranean vs. Western Style Diet

What happens in the body after a big meal? Blood sugar level rises, insulin is released, and the fat concentration in our blood increases. Duration and nature of such physiological fluctuations can have long-term health effects, as has been shown for constantly and excessively high blood sugar and insulin levels that promote type 2 diabetes. But can we influence these...more

Covid-19: Unbalanced diets and malnutrition are underestimated risk factors [26.04.2020]

Patients who follow unbalanced diets and/or suffer from malnutrition may have worse prognoses. This warning from researchers at the University of Hohenheim is based on longstanding research and accompanied by recommendations and advise.more

University of Hohenheim Member of the German Alliance for Global Health Research [20.04.2020]

Besides Prof. Chagunda, who as a member of the Steering Committee 2020-22 does have a particular responsibility and wishes to exploit some leeway, the University of Hohenheim contributes to many facets of the Global Health Research, e. g. in parasitology, agricultural and food sciences or even in economics and social sciences. more

Oral Supplementation of Sodium Butyrate Attenuates the Progression of Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis [14.04.2020]

Sodium butyrate (SoB) is the salt of butyric acid, a short-chain fatty acid being built by microbial anaerobic fermentation of non-digestible polysaccharides in the intestinal tract. The compound is used as an additive in animal feed, but also in human medicine because of its positive effects on the regeneration of the intestinal mucosa. In a recent study, a German-Austrian...more

An agent-based policy-laboratory of COVID-19 containment strategies [03.04.2020]

'Stay-at-home order' and social distancing or contamination? How do policy measures influence the course of the corona pandemic? Ben Vermeulen, Andreas Pyka and Matthias Müller from the Hohenheim Department of Innovation Economics present an Online Policy Lab that helps to visualize these effects.more

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