How the Bologna process has affected the German university system [31.05.2019]

The Bologna reforms are about to celebrate their 20th anniversary. In 1999, 31 European countries committed themselves to the reform aiming at unifying the European higher education system. Major changes were to be made at German universities and universities of applied sciences by 2010. The German diploma was to be replaced by new Bachelor'and Master degrees in order to...more

Hohenheim scientists detect alarmingly high levels of pollutants in vitamin E supplements [21.05.2019]

Chlorinated paraffins are increasingly environmentally relevant pollutants caused by humans. Several studies have already investigated chlorinated paraffins uptake through diet. Hohenheim scientists have now investigated the load of chlorinated paraffins for 25 food supplements. Six palm oil-containing vitamin E preparations showed alarmingly high concentrations of this...more

Can the "right" fats protect against allergic diseases? [21.05.2019]

The incidence of allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, food allergy and atopic dermatitis has increased dramatically in the last decades. This could be due to a change in various lifestyle factors, including diet. The role of fatty acids could be of particular interest, since they possess immunological properties in addition to their nutritional value. In this...more

Microalgae in human nutrition: Are there reasonable future prospects?

Chlorella, Spirullina and AFA algae: Microalgae are popular superfoods have long since found their way into health food stores. However, their exceptional nutrient profile and alternative breeding methods could make them much more than just a short-lived food trend. Microalgae could serve as a sustainable source of nutrients in order to meet the needs of a growing world...more

Creating the future with biointelligence [15.05.2019]

Hohenheim scientists pave the way for future scenarios in nutrition, health and consumption.more

Study with over 5,000 teenagers: Social media & life satisfaction are hardly related [07.05.2019]

The University of Oxford and the University of Hohenheim conducted the world's most comprehensive long-term survey of complex statistics. Result: the personal social media use and the personal life satisfaction of teenagers hardly influence each other. The researchers published their findings in the current edition of the journal 'Proceedings of the National Academy of...more

Roboethics - Do robots need ethical principles? [24.04.2019]

Increasingly, robots play important roles in our society and their fields of application are manifold. Due to the development of artificial intelligence, robots can no longer be regarded as pure tools. The possible effects of an uncontrolled development in robotics are not only plotted in science fiction movies and literature, but are also a hot topic for researchers...more

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