Morginga powder against malnutrition [26.04.2018]

Optimized dishes enriched with the powder from leaves of the Moringa tree can compensate for the lack of nutrients in Indian children. This is the result of a HUMBOLDT RELOADED project. Mia Sol Guggiari Dworatzek has developed two recipes for children aged between one and three years.more

PD Dr. Wolfgang Beyer and colleagues discussing phages and their use - SWR2 special on air [18.04.2018]

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 70,000 people worldwide die from resistant bacteria such as MRSA or ESBL every year. The "super weapon" antibiotics has lost its magic. In the fight against pathogenic microbes many researchers, physicians and patients set their hopes on bacteriophages: viruses that target bacteria. more

How unemployment influences smoking behavior [15.04.2018]

Hohenheim-Tübingen research team analyzed German statisticsmore

Going Natural [09.04.2018]

A new article sheds light on the ongoing replacement of artificial and animal-based dyes with alternative natural pigments in foods and beverages. In brief, the presented perspective aimed at providing a concise overview on academic and industrial developments in the field of food coloration. Because the demand by customers for natural food ingredients is expected to increase...more

Engineered adipose tissue for treatment and drug screening [05.03.2018]

In vitro engineered adipose tissue is in great demand to treat lost or damaged soft tissue or to screen for new drugs, among other applications. However, today most attempts depend on the use of animal-derived sera. To pave the way for the application of adipose tissue–engineered products in clinical trials or as reliable and robust in vitro test systems, sera should be...more

New piece of the puzzle for the complex process of asymmetric imaging of internal organs [26.02.2018]

Prof. Blum and colleagues investigate the role of unconventional myosin 1d in Xenopus and link laterality in arthropods and chordatesmore

Basic research for healthy nutrition [23.02.2018]

Peptidases are important for many biological processes, including digestion of food proteins, recycling of intracellular proteins, the blood coagulation cascade, antigen presentation and activation of a variety of proteins, including enzymes, peptide hormones and neurotransmitters (Rawlings & Salvesen, 2013). They also have many industrial applications, especially in the food...more

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