Valuing health as development: going beyond gross domestic product [24.10.2018]

GDP per capita is a narrow, inadequate metric for capturing the true, full value of health investments, say Victoria Fan and colleagues. In this paper, they sketch a proposal for constructing a wellbeing measure that is comparable to the HDI in what it captures without some of its shortcomings (BMJ 2018;363:k4371).more

FZG Managing Director at the 10th World Health Summit in Berlin [14.10.2018]

Global Health Networks and the current state of affairs for various global health issues ....more

Opportunities for Africa: Researchers make cassava healthier, more nutritious and sustainable [09.10.2018]

In the tropics and subtropics, manioc, also called cassava, is an important staple food.more

Occurrence of halogenated compounds in food fishes from Southern Brazil. [02.10.2018]

Halogenated natural products (HNPs) are possibly toxic compounds that may bioaccumulate and biomagnify along the food web and pose a further risk to human and environmental health. The present study analyzed the occurrence of HNPs in the edible muscle of the three most consumed commercial fish species in the state of Rio de Janeiro: sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis),...more

Tropical tick tracked down in Germany [18.08.2018]

To date (March 20, 2019), experts of the Institute of Parasitology at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart already identified 36 specimens of the tropical Hyalomma tick. These animals have been discovered for example in the Hanover region, in Osnabrück, the Oberpfalz and Wetterau region, probably migrated with birds to Germany. Permanently elevated temperatures may allow...more

Have a break, have your senses tickled [05.08.2018]

Hohenheim-Ludwigsburg research team focusses on the improvements of work breaksmore

Homeo-what? - Ask your doc or nonmedical practitioner [02.08.2018]

Chronically ill patients use homeopathy more often than other people to treat their illnesses. This is the result of a student project in the "Humboldt Reloaded Program". A possible explanation: In applying homeopathy, patients hope to find new and more natural treatment options if conventional medicine fails.more

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