Happy = Healthier (Prof. Dr. Volker Stefanski, Interview, Süddeutsche.de - Panorama, 20.06.2016, dpa-Videokanal / ARD-Tagesthemen 29.06.2016) [27.06.2016]

What makes a pig happy? Researchers at the University of Hohenheim want to find it out. more

Dr. sc. agr. Friedrich Longin interviewed by the SWR Television regarding ancient grains (Planet Knowledge | 14.06.2016) (in German) [15.06.2016]

Healthier and better - that is the call of ancient grains. Emmer and Einkorn wheats, spelt and Khorasan wheat are in vogue again. For years, the ancient grains were forgotten just like the number of medicinal plants.more

Prof. Dr. Herbert Schmidt and Dr. Werner Philipp interviewed by SWR Television about EHEC: Has the treat really been eliminated? (19.05.2016) [20.05.2016]

Hohenheim University researchers speaking about the threat of EHEC in Germany and their recent research results - five years after the epidemic of 2011more

Dr. med. vet. Werner Philipp on EHEC in the environment - Interview by SWR Television (Planet Knowledge| SWR | 18.05.2016) [19.05.2016]

EHEC in food, sewage and sludge? Hohenheim's researcher and others about methods and solutions for prevention in a SWR Television interview (in German)more

Prof. Herbert Schmidt broadcasted on German Deutschlandfunk: "Forschung aktuell" 09.05.2016 (in German) [10.05.2016]

Multiresistant germs are hiding in some people's nose without being realized. But all of a sudden, problems might occur in the hospital if these antibiotics-resistant bacteria get into open wounds. That's why researchers are searching for strategies and methods to fight such infections. Bacteriophages are natural enemies of bacteria and might provide a key for new therapies.more

Prof. Dr. Günter Neumann interviewed by WDR Television about glyphosate threat: Poison in the field - glyphosate, the underrated risk? (die story | 21.04.2016) (in German) [21.04.2016]

Glyphosat ist weltweit der meistverwendete Unkrautvernichter auf unseren Äckern - und in unseren Gärten. Sechs Millionen Kilogramm wurden alleine 2012 in Deutschland auf die Böden gebracht. Wissenschaftler warnen vor Langzeitschäden.more

Prof. Dr. Herbert Schmidt spoke with German radio broadcaster Deutschlandfunk about EHEC (Science in Spotlight | 17.04.2016) (in German) [18.04.2016]

EHEC - Deutschland jagt den Keim: 4.000 Infizierte und 53 Tote: Die Ehec-Epidemie vor fünf Jahren war die bislang schwerste weltweit. Sie tobte in einem Land, das über hohe Hygienestandards, engmaschige Lebensmittelkontrollen und hoch spezialisierte Labore verfügt. Warum der Keim O104:H4 so aggressiv war, blieb lange unklar (von Beate Krol)more

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