EAACI position paper on diet diversity in pregnancy, infancy and childhood [31.03.2020]

Hohenheim research contributes to novel nutritional concepts and has implications for studies in allergy and asthma more

Animal Health & Protection: Public Consultation [24.03.2020]

Livestock farming increasingly is confronted with negative headlines. Cheap meat and dairy products have their price, but ultimately the animals pay for it. Most farmers, but also more and more consumers and scientists do not accept this situation and raise their voices. At the University of Hohenheim, scientists conduct research on many aspects of animal welfare and...more

Protective mechanisms of the innate immune system against Helicobacter-induced diseases

Helicobacter infections are harmless for most people. If discovered accidentally, asymptomatic infections with Helicobacter pylori not necessarily need to be treated. However, once the bacterium nests in the stomach walls it may cause irritations and, in severe cases, can lead to chronic inflammation. As a result, other diseases may occur. e.g. gastrointestinal ulcers or...more

Physical activity versus screen time - what factors influence the behavior of 7th to 9th grade adolescents? [09.03.2020]

The proportion of physical activity among adolescents shifts with increasing age to sedentary behavior and more screen time, the latter including the use of cell phones, reading devices (e.g. Kindle) and PC's. Prof. Ströbele Benschop is part of a consortium that analysed the physical activity and screen time of Berlin students from grades 7 to 9 and found that not all young...more

March 7 - Day of Healthy Nutrition

As initiator of the campaign, the German Association for Nutrition and Dietetics (VFED) strives to educate people about the importance of eating healthy and consciously. Scientists at the University of Hohenheim provide scientific evidence for the molecular, physiological and psychological foundations of healthy food and habits. more

How does food composition affect the activity of antimicrobial substances? [06.03.2020]

Combinations between the structure-sensitive antimicrobial surfactant LAE and methylparaben were found to have great potential for food applications in general and due to the pH conditions used, especially for applications in meat products. Antimicrobial activity, however, varies depending on the fat content of food. A recent, FEI-funded study by Hohenheim scientists with...more

What bitter receptors do in the stomach [06.03.2020]

Bitter compounds, such as secondary plant substances, strongly influence our food intake as well as metabolic processes. Recognition of bitter compounds is based on a large family of G-protein-coupled receptors. In a current study, a Hohenheim-Homburg cooperation identified distinct cell types expressing a bitter receptor protein (Tas2r126) in the gastric epithelium....more

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