What links health to economics? [07.11.2019]

Research in natural, food and medical sciences is constantly expanding and deepening our understanding of how diseases evolve, how they can be treated and how health can be preserved. Hohenheim scientists also investigate the relationships between economic, political and socio-demographic developments as well as their influence on society's "burden of disease", health...more

How calcium controls eyesight [04.11.2019]

Calcium (Ca) is essential not only for bone mineralization and blood clotting, but also controls a variety of other functions in our body. By active transport mechanisms into and out of the cell Calcium can mediate specific processes, eg. contraction of cells, secretion of molecules, transcellular shuttling of ions or the information transfer of external stimuli. A recent...more

World Health Summit 2019 [20.10.2019]

Leading experts from science, politics, business and from civil society will meet in Berlin from October 27 to 29. More than 2,500 participants from 100 countries are expected. One of the thematic focusses this year is also being researched at the University of Hohenheim: The impact of climate and socioeconomic change on health.more

How do environmental attitude and behaviour develop during childhood? [13.08.2019]

The issues of environment and sustainability are more explosive than ever. Public awareness is growing steadily. A longitudinal study with research partners from the university of Hohenheim sheds light on the issue how environmental attitude and behaviour develop during childhood.more

Biointelligent production systems for micronutrient-enriched food [09.08.2019]

As follow-up of the spring workshops on 'Biointelligence for healthy nutrition', now we support project consortia to constitute and work on project proposals. A series of workshops will be organized in winter term 2019/20 to focus on the topics developed previously. Researchers interested are cordially invited to join in. more

How much pesticides honey bees can tolerate? [15.07.2019]

Scientists from the Apicultural State Institute at the University of Hohenheim and colleagues from Berlin for the first time determine the actual exposure of honeybee larvae to pesticides. The results shall enable accurate risk assessment of pesticides.more

German-Canadian Cannabis research network kicks off [12.06.2019]

There is a bright future for Cannabis because of its enormous potential in medicine, nutrition and personal care. In Germany, however, the old medicinal plant has long been in disrepute as a potential drug. Various knowledge gaps shall now be addressed. Scientists from the University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart) joined forces with Canadian colleagues and companies by founding the...more

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