Photoreception and Light Adaptation [17.08.2017]

Hohenheim Researchers have discovered switches for fast optical processing and light adaptation in the fly eyemore

A unique invertase is important for sugar absorption of an obligate biotrophic pathogen during infection [09.08.2017]

An increased invertase activity in infected plant tissue has been observed in many plant–pathogen interactions. However, the origin of this increased invertase activity (plant and/or pathogen) is still under debate as is the transferability to other pathogen - host systems.more

PhD student Bayuh Belay Abera is part of an international research consortium examining the disease and mortality burden in Ethopia [09.08.2017]

Ethiopia lacks a complete vital registration system that would assist in measuring disease burden and risk factors. We used the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2015 (GBD 2015) estimates to describe the mortality burden from communicable, non-communicable, and other diseases in Ethiopia over the last 25 years.more

Environmental research on the swarm behavior of locusts provides basic insights into odor reception [09.08.2017]

Pregitzer P, Jiang X, Grosse-Wilde E, Breer H, Krieger J, Fleischer J. In Search for Pheromone Receptors: Certain Members of the Odorant Receptor Family in the Desert Locust Schistocerca gregaria (Orthoptera: Acrididae) Are Co-expressed with SNMP1. Int J Biol Sci 2017; 13(7):911-922. doi:10.7150/ijbs.18402. Available from

Hohenheim researcher Prof. Hans Konrad Biesalski in interview (SWR3 television) [09.08.2017]

Formerly, eating was predominately an existential matter of survival. Today, nutrition is lifestyle, plague, pleasure, ideology - or a mixture of everything. The Hohenheim nutritionist Prof. Hans Konrad Biesalski has been dealing with nutrition and the consequences of good and bad nutrition for over 30 years. One of his core theses: "What and how much food we eat is no...more

Nutrition Psychology: The influence of the arrangement of different food images on participants’ attention: An experimental eye-tracking study

Hummel, G., Zerweck, I., Ehret, J., Salazar Winter, S., Stroebele-Benschop, N. (2017) Food Quality and Preference , 62 pp. 111 - 119more

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