World Rare Disease Day, 28.02.2020  [28.02.20]

On 28 February, the European Commission marked World Rare Disease Day by highlighting the call for closer collaboration to improve research, diagnosis and treatment of such diseases. Commissioner Stella Kyriakides said: “Tackling rare diseases and reducing the inequalities in treatment across the EU is a key personal priority for me. Earlier this month, I launched an EU wide public consultation on Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, which will have a concrete impact for the 22% of cancer patients that are diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, as well as for other rare conditions.”



At the University of Hohenheim, several working groups focus on the molecular mechanisms that lead to rare genetic diseases. You may find some current research at the website of the Department of Zoology, whose scientists use the model organism Xenopus laevis for their research on developmental processes and associated disorders.

At the Department of Physiology research is mainly about renal physiology. The team led by Prof. Föller investigates the role of certain proteins in age-related diseases and in vascular health.

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