The fox tapeworm: An overrated danger or cause for concern?      [17.06.20]

Especially in summer many people worry about the potential dangers of the fox-tapeworm (Echinococcus multilocularis) when gardening, snacking on wild berries or mushrooms. Many activities in nature can potentially transmit fox tapeworm eggs and lead to disease. In an interview with 'Stuttgarter Nachrichten', parasitologist Dr. Thomas Romig from Hohenheim University talks about the actual risks of fox tapeworm-caused diesease and about measures to protect yourself.

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The complete interview with Dr. Thomas Romig can be found here:

Germany, Stuttgart. Tipps der Uni in Stuttgart-Hohenheim: Wie gefährlich ist der Fuchsbandwurm? URL (accessed 6.17.20).

Find more information about Dr. Thomas Romig's research and Zoonoses research at the University of Hohenheim.

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