The dilemma of calves from organic farming  [28.06.20]

The expansion of organic milk production leads to more and more calves on farms producing according to organic and ecological standards, which ultimately have to be marketed. Especially, male calves not required for milk production are sold to conventional farms fattening animals for meat production. This is an unsatisfactory solution for farmers and consumers. Together with them a research team from the University of Hohenheim is working to develop new solutions. the research project 'WertKalb' is funded by the State of Baden Wuerttemberg.

Picture Source: Pixabay


In Baden-Württemberg alone, more than 22,000 calves are born annually on organic dairy farms and are mostly marketed conventionally, because organic calf fattening has not been established yet due to a lack of demand for organic veal and a lack of economic efficiency. .....

Read the full article published by Gregor Veauthier in ELITE magazine.


More informationen on the Departments and participating Hohenheim scientists:
Department of Animal Breeding and Husbandry in the Tropics and Subtropics
  • Prof. Dr. Mizeck Chagunda
  • Dr. Christoph Reiber
  • Josephine Gresham
Department Nutrition Psychology
  • Prof. Nanette Ströbele-Benschop

 PhD Student Position (Project 'Wertkalb')

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