What is the relationship between allergy and cancer  [23.06.20]

Worldwide, allergies and cancers cause significant amount of morbidity and mortality. An inverse association between allergies and cancers has been suggested; however, despite extensive research, the relationship remains elusive. On one side, allergies are accompanied by inflammatory reactions which constitute an optimal environment for carcinogenesis; thus promoting the development of tumors at this specific site. On the other side, systemic effects in terms of enhanced immuno-surveillance can likewise be evoked, thus preventing from cancer at other areas (Waldenmaier & Lorentz, 2020).

Picture Source: Jensen‐Jarolim et al. (2017) AllergoOncology: Opposite outcomes of immune tolerance in allergy and cancer; https://doi.org/10.1111/all.13311


Delia Waldenmaier from the University of Ulm and Axel Lorentz from the Department of Nutritional Medicine at University of Hohenheim provide an overview on the relationship between allergies and cancers. In addition, they describe possible mechanisms, which could explain them.One of the key molecules in the connection between inflammation and carcinogenesis is the transcription factor nuclear factor NF-κB, an endogenous tumor promoter activated by carcinogenic mutations and also known as coordinator of inflammation by regulating expression of several pro-inflammatory and survival factors.

However, from the studies reviewed, no universal conclusion can be drawn which identifies the role of allergies in cancer epidemiology, positive and negative associations have been reported. One obvious reason is that the term cancer includes diseases of diverse etiologies and a variety of affected tissues. To account for this heterogeneity the authors analyze the available literature and distinguish between different cancer sites as well as specific types of allergy.

Original Paper

Waldenmaier, D., Lorentz, A. (2020) Allergies and cancers. Cancer Immunology: A Translational Medicine Context, Second Edition, pp. 585-598.

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