Mindful Instant Messaging    [26.09.17]

Mindfulness and Autonomous Motivation as Predictors of Well-Being in Smartphone Communication


& of the Hohenheim Department of Media Psychology co-publish their research results in the  Journal of Media Psychology (2017), 29, pp. 159-165. https://doi.org/10.1027/1864-1105/a000225. © 2017 Hogrefe Publishing. Volltext (HTML) | PDF

Abstract. The number of smartphone users surpassed two billion in 2016; the most popular applications are instant messengers. However, research about benefits and risks for users has yielded contradictory findings and indicates that the relation between smartphone use and well-being depends on many conditions. We propose mindfulness as a predictor of well-being related to instant messaging. In our study, 211 participants answered short questionnaires on the evenings of five consecutive days. Multilevel analyses showed that a mindful use of instant messaging was positively related to users’ well-being, as indicated by more positive affect and less stress related to instant messaging. Moreover, the relation between day-specific mindfulness and well-being was statistically mediated by a more autonomous motivation to use instant messengers.

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