University of Hohenheim Member of the German Alliance for Global Health Research  [20.04.20]

Besides Prof. Chagunda, who as a member of the Steering Committee 2020-22 does have a particular responsibility and wishes to exploit some leeway, the University of Hohenheim contributes to many facets of the Global Health Research, e. g. in parasitology, agricultural and food sciences or even in economics and social sciences.




On 20 April 2020, took place the digital kick-off event of the "German Alliance for Global Health Research“ funded by the BMBF (German Ministry of Education and Research): Online, the most important facts on

  • organization
  • aims  
  • funding for young scientists and research networking, and the 
  • newly elected Steering Committee

were given to the more than 100 participants (i. e. about one third of all registered members; PPT).

The University of Hohenheim will be represented by Prof. Dr. Mizeck Chagunda on the Steering Committee and thus introduce the One Health aspects to this interdisciplinary committee. 


Do you want to engage actively in this interdisciplinary research platform? Please, become a member!

For more information, Hohenheim stakeholders may contact the FZG Head Office or the secretariat(at) 

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