Knowledge & Perspectives

Hohenheim Research and its Impact

The sustainability halo effect [02.05.2022]

Does the provision of sustainability information of a snack affect sensory and health perception, and willingness to pay? Hohenheim Nutrition Psychologists puts it to the test.more

Probiotics in the treatment of adult inflammatory bowel disease [02.04.2022]

In a recent review, Hohenheim nutritionist Axel Lorentz and colleague Leonie Mueller analyzed available studies and publications on the effect of probiotics in the treatment of Crohn's disease (CD) patients. Although there is no clear evidence for the benefit of probiotics for this disease, a combined use of probiotics and standard medications seems to be a good choice to...more

Pesticide residues in food and drinking water from the consumerʼs perspective [09.02.2022]

Modern agriculture faces two big challenges: an increased global demand for food and the need to grow crops more sustainably. Overexploitation of land and the environmental pollution it causes has created a climate for change. Mitigating the effects of global warming and protecting biodiversity are crucial. The 'Farm to Fork Strategy' is at the heart of the European Union...more

Biostimulants, soil improvers, bioprotectants: promoters of bio-
intensification in plant production

The protection of our soils with their manifold functions (e.g. as habitat, ecosystem, filter and buffer for the transformation of substances, and as a basis for agricultural production) is an important task that is increasingly being focused on by national and European authorities as well as funding agencies. Ecosystem functions are closely related to landuse in general and...more

Impact of Harvest Time and Pruning Technique on Total CBD Concentration and Yield of Medicinal Cannabis [10.01.2022]

"Worldwide cannabis cultivation has increased due to the recent changes in legalization, regulation and marketization of Cannabis sativa L. for industrial, medicinal and recreational use (The Global Cannabis Report 2019). To date, 177 phytocannabinoids have been identified in cannabis plants [Adamek et al, 2021], among which the two most abundant are the psychoactive compound...more

The impact of pesticide use on human and environmental health in Europe and Argentina: Methodical Approach of the Euroepan SPRINT project [04.12.2021]

An international consortium led by Dutch soil expert Coen Ritsema (U Wageningen) and including Hohenheim scientist Ellen Kandeler has published their approach for assessing health risks associated with pesticide use. Protocols are presented for analyzing pesticide residues in crops, livestock, humans and other non-target organisms in agroecosystems. Resulting data will be used...more

Chlorinated paraffins (CPs): Analytical conundrums and the pressing need for reliable and relevant standards [30.10.2021]

Chlorinated paraffins (CPs) are complex mixtures of polychlorinated, saturaded hydrocarbons considered to be environmentally hazardous and health threatening because of their persistence and high bioaccumulation potential (accumulation in adipose tissue, kidney and liver). They are toxic to aquatic organism and have been proven carcinogen in mouse and rat experiments, hence...more

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