"Hohenheimer SchlossGeister" – Inequality, Aging and Health

The FZG Lecture Series (jointly organized with the Research Area "INEPA") takes up current research topics that match the scientific focus of the FZG thematic platforms. Renowned scientists from around the world as well as societal and business stakeholders present their perspectives on the topic and open up new opportunities for cooperation.

Winter 2017/2018

Prof. Dr. Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz

Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Research Group ECONOMICS

National Transfer Accounts (NTA) to analyze the reallocation of resources across age

Tue, 17 October 2017, 15:30, Hohenheim Palace, HS 10
Schwerzstraße 46 (Schloss, äußerer Osthof-Süd, Äußerer Brandflügel)



Moderation: Prof. Dr. Klaus Prettner

Homepage - Prof. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz

Dr. Hans Groth

Chairman of the Board, World Demographic & Ageing Forum (WDA Forum)

How Africa can capture its Demographic Dividend, and why this is so important

Tue, 21 November 2017, 16:00, Hohenheim Palace, Green Hall



Moderation: Prof. Dr. Alfonso Sousa-Poza

Homepage of the WDA Forum

Prof. Dr. Holger Strulik

University of Göttingen, Macroeconomics and Development

New Developments in the Economics of Aging and Longevity

Tue, 5 December 2017, 16:00, Hohenheim Palace, Blue Hall


Moderation: Prof. Dr. Klaus Prettner

Homepage – AG Strulik

Prof. Dr. Uwe Sunde

LMU München, Chair for Population Economics

Title: Aging and Preferences

Tue, 30 January 2018, 16:00, Hohenheim Palace, HS 10
Schwerzstraße 46 (Schloss, äußerer Osthof-Süd, Äußerer Brandflügel)

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Alfonso Sousa-Poza



Homepage – Prof. Sunde


More guests and more information coming up soon!